2021 safety data: The year in review

Innovation is, and always has been, the driving force behind HopSkipDrive. Our transportation platform is constantly being updated — and we are always reviewing our safety data to ensure we meet the strict safety standards we set for ourselves, which exceed industry guidelines.

With our annual Safety Report, we aim to provide transparency into the advancements we make year over year at HopSkipDrive. We are leading the way by sharing and publishing our safety data on an annual basis, and we encourage others within the industry to do the same.

Our 2021 Safety Report reflects our commitment to continuous improvement based on data. It also demonstrates our growth trajectory — as well as the real-world impact we are making on the lives of students and families across the country every day.

Infographic showing key metrics for a ride service including 7M+ safe miles driven, 400K+ rides for families, and 99.699% safety rate

More than 7 million safe miles driven

With our 2021 Safety Report, we share safety data collected from 2021, during which time a total of 7 million safe miles were driven by HopSkipDrive CareDrivers across 18 markets.

400,000 rides for kids and families

Countless students were left without a safe and reliable way to get to school in 2021, at a time when in-person learning and efforts to recapture learning loss resulting from COVID-19 school closures was critical. With ongoing bus driver shortages exacerbated by COVID-19, districts were unable to resume normal transportation operations. 

HopSkipDrive quickly became a solution for many school districts, with 400,000 rides for schools, students and families completed on the HopSkipDrive platform in 2021. We were able to provide a cost-effective solution by replacing underutilized bus routes that had no available bus drivers with multi-passenger sedans driven by HopSkipDrive CareDrivers.

More than 65,000 adult riders served

HopSkipDrive is more than a student transportation solution. With a dedicated focus on safety, our platform can be used to arrange transportation for anyone (ages 6 and up) who might need a little extra care, including senior citizens or older adults. In 2021, more than 65,000 adult riders were transported safely with HopSkipDrive.

1% increase in CareDriver safe driving scores

Even with more HopSkipDrive CareDrivers back on the road than the prior year, the average safe driving score for CareDrivers in 2021 was 87.3 — an improvement of 1.0% from the year prior, and an increase of 2.4% from 2019. 

Bar graph showing CareDriver safe driving scores increasing from 84.9 in 2019 to 87.3 in 2021

This increase year over year confirms that CareDrivers are not only safer on the road than the average driver — they also continue to show safety improvements even as the roads get more dangerous every year.

100% of rides completed without a critical safety incident

Of all rides scheduled through the HopSkipDrive platform in 2021, 0.000% experienced a critical safety incident of any kind. This continues our perfect record: There has never been a critical safety incident in the eight years HopSkipDrive has been in business.

Now that’s a safety record to be proud of!

For the small percentage of HopSkipDrive rides that did experience a safety-related concern in 2021, only 0.020% of those rides experienced a traffic collision either en route to the pickup location or while the CareDriver was transporting a Rider. For rides experiencing a traffic collision, only 0.004% were considered to be major.*

Infographic showing four decreasing safety statistics for rides: 0.281%, 0.020%, 0.004%, and 0.000% for different incident types
*A major collision is defined as one in which one of the vehicles was towed away from the scene or medical attention was needed, including just to get checked out by a professional.

More than 350 school districts served

HopSkipDrive was fully committed to helping families and school districts get students back in the classroom in 2021 while continuing to provide the safest in-ride environment for CareDrivers and Riders of all ages. 

As individual states and school districts began to roll out vaccine mandates, HopSkipDrive quickly jumped into action. Thanks to the dedicated CareDriver community — which stepped up to the plate and demonstrated compliance — we were able to help limit further disruptions for more than 350 school districts, and get students back to school.

Expansion into 3 new markets

Throughout 2021, HopSkipDrive was able to serve a more extensive general education population and expand operations with the launch of three new markets: Austin, Texas, and Madison and Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

More than 4,000 active CareDrivers

HopSkipDrive’s vision is to continue to be the leading safe youth transportation solution for schools and families — and the most empowering platform for caregivers who are seeking to combine flexible income with meaningful work in their community.

A recent survey conducted with a sampling of CareDrivers asked them to rate how safe they felt while driving on the HopSkipDrive platform. On average, survey participants rated safety on the platform as being a 9 out of 10 in comparison to other rideshare platforms.

Setting the safety bar high

HopSkipDrive sets the bar above and beyond for safe youth transportation solutions. We believe that safety is about so much more than compliance to often outdated regulations. It’s about continuous innovation, setting a higher bar for the industry and, of course, being transparent.

If you have any questions about safety at HopSkipDrive, please feel free to email us at safety@hopskipdrive.com.

Interested in learning more about our 2021 Safety Report? Scan 5 key takeaways or read the full 2021 Safety Report.

Interested in learning more about how your organization, school, or district can partner with HopSkipDrive?

Two team members wearing bright orange HopSkipDrive t-shirts with heart logo standing in front of a car, one wearing a white hat

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