Parenting Help That Preserves Precious Family Time

With two busy careers that keep their work days full, Tammy McDaniel and Bob Ives were happy to discover that HopSkipDrive could get their kids where they need to go safely and reliably.

McDaniel says she loves being able to follow the ride on the app, and she especially appreciates the way safety is built into every step. “The main reason I use HopSkipDrive is because of the background check on all drivers,” McDaniel says.

And here’s another benefit she didn’t expect: extra family time.

“When we use HopSkipDrive, I’m not dropping one kid off — and then my husband going out and getting the other one — and then everyone getting home a little later than normal,” McDaniel says. “If both kids are home when we get home, we have dinner at a normal time, and we all get to spend some time together before homework and showers and bed.”

McDaniel estimates they get about two more hours of family time in any given day by using HopSkipDrive.

McDaniel and Ives use HopSkipDrive to get their daughter, Isabella (age 15), to friends’ houses, to the mall in the summertime, and even to orthodontist and haircut appointments. During her rides, Isabella enjoys chatting with her favorite CareDrivers about her activities.

Jason (age 11) has taken HopSkipDrive to get to soccer and other activities. “Some of the CareDrivers play music I listen to and sing along, and it makes the ride fun,” Jason says.

Kids come home happy, parents are less stressed: we call that a win-win for the family.

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Two team members wearing bright orange HopSkipDrive t-shirts with heart logo standing in front of a car, one wearing a white hat

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