Thank you for participating in HopSkipDrive’s Safe Ride InSightTM pilot.
What to Expect
Selected CareDrivers will receive an email outlining options for installing the dashcam (self-installation or professional installation) as well as a link to online support resources including FAQs.
Duration of pilot:
We expect the pilot to last 2-3 months.
Our Expectations of You:
To use the dashcam as directed throughout the pilot.
Provide requested feedback. You can respond to surveys you receive from HopSkipDrive or share feedback anytime by emailing
Getting Started
Please visit the resource page we’ve put together, which has information about installing the dashcam.
Password: Hopskipdrive1!
Frequently Asked Questions
Select a topic below to learn more
CareDriver Selection & Participation
How do I participate in the pilot?
Answer: We are limiting the pilot to a small number of markets at this time. Selected CareDrivers will be invited via email and SMS notification and if interested, we’ll link to a form for you to opt in.
What if I don't want to participate in the pilot?
Answer:This pilot is opt-in only.
If you are invited and aren’t interested, there is no obligation to participate.
What if I wanted to participate in the pilot but wasn't selected?
Answer: If a CareDriver wants to participate and they are not selected it’s simply because we’re capping the number of participants during this pilot period. We are eager to expand Safe Ride InSight and welcome more CareDrivers to this program.
Dashcam: Installation & How to Use the Equipment
When and how will I receive the dashcams?
Answer:CareDrivers selected for the pilot will receive instructions and options for how to receive their dashcams. If you prefer to self-install the dashcam, we’ll mail it to you via UPS with a tracking number once the device is shipped. If you opt to have the dashcam professionally installed (free of charge), you’ll have the option to sign up for an installation appointment, and the dashcam will be provided and installed during the appointment.
How will I install the dashcam in my vehicle?
Answer: CareDrivers will have two options:
Self-installation - Install on your own with guidelines provided by the dashcam manufacturer including a how-to video showing how to install the dashcam.
Professional Installation - You can make an appointment to receive the device and have it professionally installed, free of charge.
Self-installation - Install on your own with guidelines provided by the dashcam manufacturer including a how-to video showing how to install the dashcam.
Professional Installation - You can make an appointment to receive the device and have it professionally installed, free of charge.
How do I know if the dashcam is working?
Answer: Please follow the guidance provided on the dashcam support page (password: Hopskipdrive1!). The dashcam will display a blue LED light when it is fully turned on and recording.
How do CareDrivers turn the device on and off?
Answer: We encourage you to use the lens cover when you are not on an active pilot ride. Please note even with the lens cover over the camera, audio will still be recorded. While audio will be recorded at all times while the device is plugged in, video recording can quickly be stopped after a ride by using the lens cover. Please note that HopSkipDrive has set up the dashcam so that it does not record audio or video between the hours of 6 pm to 5 am (in Arizona) and 7 pm to 6 am (in Colorado), even if you leave it plugged in during these hours.
If you need to turn the camera off completely, you may unplug it at the OBD2 port (see video on the dashcam support page (password: Hopskipdrive1!) if you aren’t sure where this is. Please ensure you have plugged it back in before starting every pilot ride.
In-Ride Logistics
At what point do I need to start recording a ride? Is it when the rider gets in the car or is it as soon as I check in?
Answer: Recording should start when the rider enters your vehicle and throughout the time when you are transporting the rider from the pick-up location to the drop-off location.
When am I allowed to turn the camera off?
Answer: You should turn the camera off whenever a HopSkipDrive rider is not in the vehicle. By default, during this pilot stage video recording will be on always if the lens cover is off but you may cover the lens once the rider has safely exited the vehicle to stop video recording. Please refer to How do CareDrivers turn the device on and off? for more information on stopping audio recording, which will not be stopped by covering the lens.
If I feel unsafe because of a rider’s behavior, should I remind the rider that the ride is being recorded?
Answer: You can inform a rider that the ride is being recorded if you choose, using language such as “This ride is being recorded.”
What happens if I feel unsafe now during a ride?
Answer: If you are feeling unsafe, please contact Safe Ride Support immediately by calling 844-HOP-SKIP (467-7547).
Are both video and audio being recorded? What exactly is being recorded during the ride?
Answer: Both video and audio will be recorded by the dashcam. We will also collect telematics data through the dashcam (telematics technology is used to indicate potentially unsafe driving — including excessive speeding, hard braking, rapid acceleration, or tight turns). We will be recording video and audio in the cabin and outside the cabin of the car. There will be a forward-facing camera and an interior-facing camera as well, recording video and audio in the vehicle and outside the vehicle.
Can I use the dashcam for non-HopSkipDrive rides?
Answer: During the pilot period, you should only use the dashcam for HopSkipDrive pilot rides.
How do I know which rides I need to record?
Answer: Rider notes will indicate if a ride needs to be recorded. You must check the rider notes for every ride to determine if recording through Safe Ride InSight is required. Please remember that we ask CareDrivers to pay close attention to rider notes for all rides.
What if I forget to turn the dashcam off for a ride that doesn’t require recording?
Answer: If you forget to switch it off or cover the lens, please do so as quickly as possible. Failure to consistently follow rules for recording may result in removal from the pilot.
Permission to Record
How do I provide permission for in-ride recordings?
Answer: CareDrivers choose to opt-in to participate in the Safe Ride InSight Pilot. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information on how HopSkipDrive collects and uses the personal information of CareDrivers, including audiovisual data captured during the in-ride recordings.
Technical Troubleshooting
What happens if I experience a technical issue with the dashcam?
Answer: Please check the dashcam support page (password: Hopskipdrive1!) we’ve set up which provides information about how the dashcam works as well as some basic troubleshooting information and technical support contact information.
How do I Install the dashcam?
Answer: You will receive a welcome email that provides two options for installation 1.) self-installation or 2.) professional installation. If you decide to self-install the device you will receive the device in the mail along with instructions. If you decide to get the dashcam professionally installed, they will have booked an appointment to have the dashcam professionally installed, free of charge.
How do the dashcam alerts work?
Answer: Please see the dashcam support page (password: Hopskipdrive1!) that we’ve set up which explains the dashcam lights.
Reviewing Recordings
How will HopSkipDrive handle requests for access to an in-ride recording?
Answer: When HopSkipDrive receives a request for access to an in-ride recording, we will review it in accordance with applicable laws.
Who will be reviewing these recordings?
Answer: HopSkipDrive’s dedicated Trust & Safety team may review any in-ride recording for trust and safety purposes. Appropriate action will be taken in accordance with our policies and applicable laws. Reviews will be handled case-by-case, depending on applicable laws and the situation necessitating the review.
Will HopSkipDrive provide the in-ride recording to law enforcement??
In accordance with our policies, and as may be required under applicable laws, HopSkipDrive may provide the in-ride recording to governmental, law enforcement, and/or judicial bodies if HopSkipDrive deems it required under applicable law.
Returning the Dashcam
How do I return the dashcam?
Answer: We will provide you with a mailing label to return the dashcams at the end of the pilot.