Since we launched HopSkipDrive more than three years ago, we have always been thankful for the opportunity to help families. This Thanksgiving, we have even more to appreciate with a new strategic investment of $7.4 million, and partnership with Student Transportation Inc. (STI), the 3rd largest student bus company. This is an incredible opportunity to expand the reach of our efforts to reduce family stress and support the activities, goals, and dreams of so many young people.
With these funds, we will be able to grow even faster to meet the needs of more families in our current markets and beyond. And by partnering with STI, we have a great opportunity to transform family and school transportation logistics together—whether it’s making carpools easier to coordinate, helping kids get to a centralized bus stop to more efficiently fill bus capacity, or providing rides in places buses aren’t feasible. We’re really excited to be working with STI to minimize the transportation hassles for more schools and families.
At the same time, we are very proud to announce that HopSkipDrive has been selected by the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) for a pilot program that will help children in foster care stay in the same school, even when their new caregiver lives out of the area. We know how important this kind of consistency is for kids, and we are honored to be able to do our part to help them during these transitional times.
Our mission is to make families lives easier. This Thanksgiving, we feel incredibly grateful to work towards that mission every day. Thank you to our team, our investors, our partners, the families who ride with us, and especially the dedicated HopSkipDrive CareDrivers who make making a difference possible.