Over the years, we have loved hearing from CareDrivers directly, sharing their favorite stories and experiences with the HopSkipDrive community across the country. We’ve enjoyed receiving photographs of CareDrivers, stories about how families have impacted a CareDriver’s day, and even drawings students have created for CareDrivers.
Now more than ever, we want CareDrivers, and all members of the HopSkipDrive community to feel connected. To help celebrate CareDrivers, we are sharing these amazing stories and CareDriver experiences on our website and Instagram, using the hashtag #YourRide.
We know families, schools and community partners will love hearing from CareDrivers just as much as we do!
Please follow @HopSkipDrive on Instagram for the latest photos and videos from CareDrivers, and you can tag your own photos with #HopSkipDrive and #YourRide for a chance to be featured.
We’re excited to share CareDriver stories and favorite memories! We’re also looking forward to helping CareDrivers get back on the road soon through the COVID-Safe Ride Standards; and remember, we’re all in this together.