HopSkipDrive Safety Report 2023

Safety has — and always will — come first at HopSkipDrive. We’ve relentlessly focused on this core value as we’ve grown from a startup helping busy parents get their children to and from school and activities, to a robust technology company that solves complex transportation challenges where there is a heightened need for safety, equity, and care.

HopSkipDrive is the first (and only) organization in the student transportation industry to openly share and publish safety data. In our fifth annual Safety Report, we’re sharing our most recent safety metrics, and highlighting innovations and safety advancements made on the platform during 2023.

For the purposes of this report, we examined data collected from 2023, during which we enabled more than 1.2 million rides, with CareDrivers driving a total of more than 25 million safe miles. We’re proud to say that the vast majority of rides — 99.653% — ended without a safety-related incident of any kind, showing that our safety measures are scalable. We are committed to harnessing the latest advancements to set a new standard for school transportation safety and transparency, and we hope to see others join us in publishing relevant safety data soon.

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